Link to QnA Site
Game Stuff site link
Weeb Stuff site link
Recipe site link
Music Rep site link
Garbage art site link
Drawing of myself
Bienvenue Zeptograms
I'm Griim, the internet jackass that Tarnishes your favourite songs.

What is this website for, many people have asked me

I don't know

for now it's just a general hub for stuff, enjoy I guess.
Image of God (Sho Minamimoto)
Composer Sho Minamimoto
Tch! Trash! According to the Null Yoctogram, the subsequent factor in the making is "Recovering my footing. Also I made a stupid game feel free to try it out.". As for it's T variable, it beats me. I didn't write the function; I just plug in the numbers.
If you want a real answer, try asking the Null Yoctogram.
Shitpost / Random Channel Link
Covers Channel Link
Mystery Channel img 2

Death Okay
Loser since 2002 - GriimSoul's Edgy Rumpus Asshole Factory™ - Edgelord since 2014/2015 can't remember