Bienvenue Zeptograms
I'm Griim, the internet jackass that Tarnishes your favourite songs.
What is this website for, many people have asked me
I don't know
for now it's just a general hub for stuff, enjoy I guess.
Composer Sho Minamimoto
Tch! Trash! According to the Null Yoctogram, the subsequent factor in the making is "Recovering my footing. Also I made a stupid game feel free to try it out.".
As for it's T variable, it beats me. I didn't write the function; I just plug in the numbers. If you want a real answer, try asking
the Null Yoctogram.
Death Okay
Loser since 2002 - GriimSoul's Edgy Rumpus Asshole Factory™ - Edgelord since 2014/2015 can't remember